HazOptima is providing strong expertise in Safety and Environment Analyses. We develop tools and methodologies to ensure efficiency, consistency, and planning optimization. Our challenge is to make HSE reviews an optimal and useful step of your design process.
We believe that HSE Reviews are a fundamental step your project. It shall not be only a regulatory requirement but strong and efficient tool for design development and optimization. Good review shall both reduce risk, duration and costs!
Since its creation, many companies have entrusted their most technologically challenging projects to HazOptima, where safety is of primary importance.
As last examples, we have worked on multiple LNG Floating Facilities, Arctic conditions, Closed Flare concepts, Blue/green Hydrogen and Wind Farms. HazOptima supports its client to ensure a high safety level in all their innovations.
The field of competencies of HazOptima includes (not limited to):
- HAZOP: HAZard and OPerability review / E-HAZOP / C-HAZOP
- HAZID: HAZard IDentification review
- ENVID: ENVironmental aspects IDentification
- SIL: Safety Integrity Level review
- LOPA: Layer Of Protection Analysis
- ALARP: As Low As Reasonably Practicable review
HazOptima can provide the full task force “Chairman + scribe” for one or multiple teams in parallel.