The ENVID review enables to identify environmental aspects that come about due to an interaction between the facility and its surroundings in order to plan for, avoid, or mitigate their potential impacts. Hazard and environmental aspects identification is an important step in the design of the facility.
The ENVID method is suitable for all types of industries and can be applied to almost any system. Various methods have also been developed to enable ENVID to cover every phases of a project, including early conceptual phase, options selection, FEED, etc.
An ENVID review will identify hazards, environmental aspects and safeguards at an early stage in the design of a facility. This ensures that the design complies with the building regulations, and that the environmental aspects are controlled and kept as low as reasonably practicable.

HazOptima provides high quality HAZID reviews based on very effective leaders to head up the HAZOP team.
Our chairmen are highly experienced and completely focused on HSE reviews, having both an Environment and a Process background. This ensures a broad and extensive knowledge of the given industrial context that enables us to guide the team efficiently.
Our goal is to ensure the proper procedure for the relevant review at the best time.
Our services deal with ENVID reviews preparation, facilitating, reporting, follow-up and training.
We work in any area of activity where environmental aspects are generated (i.e. all activities!).
What is the result of an ENVID review?
The ENVID report is the documented demonstration of environmental impact acceptability. The report shall include the list of actions recommended or mandatory to achieve this acceptable impact level.
HazOptima reports include a clear and exact recording of discussions raised during the review, as well as actions list and dedicated action sheets for easier response and follow-up.
What is the basic methodology of ENVID reviews?
In few words, the ENVID methodology is the following one:
For more information please contact us.
What do you need to perform ENVID reviews?
ENVID reviews can be performed based on site and surroundings description, PFDs (Process Flow Diagrams), heat & mass balances or other documentation. HazOptima helps you to define the requisite documentation dependent upon your constraints and objectives.
What is the scope of ENVID reviews?
Scope of ENVID review can significantly vary pending your objectives, project phase, information availability, type of process, site location, and overall organization within your Company. HazOptima helps you to define the best procedure including scope of work, rules and planning.
How long do ENVID reviews take?
Depending on the project complexity and the scope defined in the ENVID procedure, reviews can take from one day up to one or even two weeks. HazOptima can help you to define your planning at an early stage in the project.
For more information please contact us.